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Pastor'S Corner

The Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy is a book in the bible known by some as a Pastoral Epistle.  One instruction Paul encourages his son in the gospel to do is to study to show himself to be approved unto God so he will be a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


If you want to grow in the ministry you must evolve, examine and ensure. You must first read your word daily to be able to evolve to a stronger disciple of Christ.  Next you must examine yourself on how effective you are in presenting the gospel with clarity. Finally you want to ensure you have presented your best at all times. 

Be committed in studying the word of God and you too will show yourself to be a workman whom God approves.


The Pastor’s Corner is designed to encourage growth in the study of God’s word by way of biblical questions you desire to submit.  Please leave your questions and let us study God’s word together!


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